Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Finger on the Pulse of Disruptive Technology

Typically, in the video game industry--the next best thing is faster, with better graphics and peripheral games with storylines that could rival a dramatic saga trilogy film box set. Increasingly better (although incremental) alterations to this technology was in line with the gaming audience expectations. However, at this rate; the industry was growing to be unprofitable, with labor-intensive story-writing and graphics outsourcing reaching in the millions of dollars. Enter the Wii; a gaming platform much unlike its predecessors, with lo-tech graphics and little-to-no storyline, it became a hit. How could the gaming industry have predicted this would be a bestseller with consumers, even creating its own segment inclusive of family and party-play? Disruptive technology.

Therefore, when you position your company on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter; why are you there? Do you realize your online-specific audience? Are you present only because "everyone else is?" This might be another example of following the crowd, or making incremental improvements. Not to mention, putting the personal touch required with all these social media and web analytics is extremely time-intensive. To be truthful--there is no easy solution. In a perfect world, each company would have one person's job description entirely devoted to one of these vehicles. In a perfect world, or an over-saturated world?

Full disclosure. I am largely self-taught in all my web knowledge. This includes HTML, coding, design, formatting, site-building, seach-engine optimization, social media networks, and other specialties. My previous built-from-scratch website is embarassingly out-dated. Therefore, let this serve as a place-holder until I can create something more customizable. I would be hesitant to include anything professional vs. personal in terms of portfolio work, therefore I will definitely take a look around at similar sites to get a feel for best practices for layout and content.

Until then, I value your patience as you bear with me.

Many thanks

Justine Boucher
Bryant University '09
Author: "A Green Endeavor: The Role of Bryant University Faculty..."

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